英语幽默小笑话一则 – 哪个妞污


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时间:2013-08-18来源:JooZone.Com栏目:英语幽默笑话作者:作文地带整理 英语作文收藏:收藏本文

A man sat at a bar, had the saddest hangdog expression. Bartender: Whats the matter? Are you having troubles with your wife? The man: We had a fight, and she told me that she wasnt going to speak to me for a month. Bartender: That should make you happy. T

A man sat at a bar, had the saddest hangdog expression.

Bartender: “What’s the matter? Are you having troubles with your wife?”

The man: “We had a fight, and she told me that she wasn’t going to speak to me for a month.”

Bartender: “That should make you happy.”

The man: “No, the month is up today!”








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  • 双语笑话一则。
  • 英语笑话一则
  • 双语笑话一则
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  • 关于本科生和研究生的英语笑话
  • 关于弟弟为什么哭的英语笑话
  • 英语幽默短文
  • 关于好孩子的英语笑话
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